contar con la compania incondicional de mi esposo siempre.
Don't forget that nerve blocking pain meds can acually increase the pain over time
Don't EXCESS Anything....
Putting in an outside French drain to keep basement dry.
Magnesium Supplements
Low carb diet. It seems that sugar and carbs increase many of the physical and mental symptoms.
A very supportive Husband and Son!
You have to fight it , but listen to your body or it will force you to stop.
Cuddles from my dog and my partner
My doctor knows that no pain control med works on every kind of pain
Commution and understanding. Finding a group of people to talk to who understand what it's like to be young and chronically ill has definitely helped me fell less alone and more understood.
My family finally gets how sic i can get. Im not faking, i need to go to the ED..
A Nurse Practicioner who researches and understands my condition
L'amour et le soutien de mon conjoint et de mon entourage. / The love and support of my partner and the people close to me.
Pacing and meditation
Good friends and family support is number one
Leading a less stressful life
Procain-Basen-Infusionen (NaHCl 80 ml/ Procain 1% 8 ml)
Cutting out Gluten, Dairy, Sugar.
For my IBS-D I have found Viberzi to be the best solution.
Family and friends support / Apoyo de la familia y amigos
having my dog with me.
Distraction helps me if not taken extremely.
Great doctors who don't "write you off" and never give up trying to figure out what's wrong
Art: making jewelry, home accessories, computer graphics, drawing, painting (although the last two are limited by my disabling conditions).
I work at home, and my "office" is using my laptop in bed.
Quitting my job
Great support from friends & husband.
Having friends understand what I have to go through
Essential oils
Getting my dog Pearl
Medical Medium to detox & Terry Wahls restore
Multivitaminico (mejoría leve)
Understand reactions
helping other patients
Controle do estresse e ansiedade
Medical Cannibis
support system
surgrry has improved my symptoms.
Manter a atividade física regular
watching what I
Accepting the pain yet still living my life to the best of my ability. Finding rainbows in dewdrops. Lowering my personal expectations and embracing joy.