Pain Medicine
Giving up alcohol
Cymbalta and Provigil
Stopping eating beans, sodas, spice, milk
Peppermint oil capsules
Avoid milk products
having someone to talk to
Supportive husband & mother who really get it and are always there to help.
having my little girl
Remicade infusions over last 3 years has controlled inflammation very well
Being authentic and asking those around you to do the same. Letting go of those that would not.
Keep hope and remember that my SPIRIT is who I am,not my pain.
2 children and amazing new partner
Great doctors
Deixar de beber leite
Why don't other people even family understand the severity of this disease and what it does to the body??
keeping track of foods i've eaten in a food journal
The right hormonal treatment
Rowdy my Dog
My niece whom I love very much - she gives me a purpose & life a meaning.
Follow up with all Dr appointments
My dog
lidocaine/ketamine infusions & edibles
Ionized Foot Detox - Clean unwanted mineral Toxins from my body
My family
Citalopram .. one of the "side effects" aids in lessening the effects of IBS.
Low FODMAP diet and lifestyle
My husband that supports me and helps me with everything.
Appropriate Medication
My family and friends ,being so supportive, love me as I'm.
Watching more comedies on TV has increased my joy - laughter helps with pain control.
My amazing and loving family and friends
Figuring out the food that are my triggers have made my live livable again
Been given Pregabalin for pain but not taken it yet, anyone else tried this?
Psychotherapy and new way of thinking
Aloe Vera juice
Taking meds for IBS/D---living on them....
Using medicinal cannabis helps with my fibromyalgia pain.
My awesome team of Specialists
Not eating breakfast
Therapy EDMR treatment
Educate yourself. There is no medication for this.