Vibration plate
I know what I have and there is hope, one day I will have WAL liposuction and I will get better
Manual lymph drainage
My cat, Boom.
Three Lipoedema Tumescent liposuctions under Local anaesthesia
Ketogenic diet
Iron (when necessary)and fibromyalga infusions (monthly)
Dr who listens and realises even if he doesn't know it exists
compression garments saved my life
Water aerobics is a great help moving the lymph fluids and non impact on the joints
You are not alone
CDT and physical therapy with an excellent CLT-LANA therapist
understanding that this is not normal fat
Using compression garments and a Flexitouch machine
Support groups
Found a physical therapist certified in Lipedema.
Using the Flexi Touch
First liposuction
Compression garment
Give 9 dl of blood
Keto diet
a ketogenic way of eating
Water exercise and swimming
A supportive family.
Complex liposuction changed my life
MLD therapy
Keto Diet
Lipedema runs on my mother side of the family.
We do not know who in my family has this. Right now just me.
Keto diet
on a great regimen from experienced doctor, awaiting results
Water therapy
Focus on healthy diet
Compression tights - they help so much
Finding a Dr who actually knows what my condition is
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I feel relieved to finally discover that my legs being inherited is not the whole story and I'm not all to blame for struggling with my weight for my entire life.
I know that an alkaline vegan diet is the best thing for me, lots of ginger and turmeric
Get plenty of rest
lymph pump
My hospital bed in my bedroom at home.
aquatic exercises and walking
Bowen Therpy once a fornight
Knowing there are others who have my condition
Paleo Diet - actually first AIP, then Paleo
Support of Facebook Group LASS