Bi Carb Formula during acute attacks
Sweating in sauna or hot bath
Organic gluten free diet
Super Colon Cleanse. Cleanses the upper & lower GI. This really improved bowell function.
try to stop eating or drinking some food whick "attack me"
99% isolation
protegerme de y aislarme de quimicos
Wearing a mask (3M 4277)
Oxygen therapy
Learning about specificchemicals in products and researching product ingredient lists to find safest products
Not letting the disease control my life turd out to be a very good thing, I adjust to my condition by wearing protection but I go on whit life I do not hide in my safe house I am there and I have MCS for the world to see!
finding other people who share my condition MCS and forming a community group
Developed all my own recipes for healthy foods, personal care & home products.
Gabapentin. Keeps bp and HR from bouncing so fast and to such extremes,
Became vegan, gluten free and have noticed I started recovering a lot faster from dirty environments.
replacing as much as possible with unscented plant-based materials
Avoiding manufactured wood flooring
Continual Development of My personal program to control the MCS symptoms
Downing Clinic
Choosing place to live with fairly low air pollution
I use Co Q 10, Several DoTerra oral products, Protelase enzymes. Do NOT use gluten, corn, beef, - as in will not eat period.
vitamin and mineral supplements as determined by blood tests
Get all the scented products out of your home permanently. It is easy and cheaper to use safe back to basic non-scented non toxic products. If you can't eat it, don't use it.
Avoiding other chemicals as much as possible but not letting the exposure stop everything, acceptence to the reactions and being prepared for them.
keeping a positive attitude, not isolate myself
Combination of dietary supplements
Always carrying two I Can Breathe masks has saved me in public areas.
Checking all of my cleaning and personal care products with the EWG
Fragrance-free , clean air, peers
Ziem-Pall protocol which I've adjusted over the years to suit my needs. But those nutritional supplements were critical.
I carry and use the 3m 8577 masks t all times.
Examine other aspects of your health as chances are that your immune system was already compromised by another problem for you to have become this sensitive or reactive. Addressing more significant illness can also help you to diminish the aspect of MCS.
Having a supportive husband
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Diet changes, all organic and cooked from scratch.
Organic/gluten free diet
Eating Raw Food
A diet with low carbohydrates, high on fat, organic, gluten-free, with no grains and no industrial products (only fresh vegetables, fruit, meat, fish and olive oil)
My husband and I change clothes and shower as soon as we get home from anywhere. Clothes and coats are washed asap or aired outside before bringing in house.
Clean eating (organic whole foods, cooked from scratch)
pray to anyone whom you believe God, hope only gives strength to survive these atrocities that we organize politicians because ecology is not profitable, and uninformed people around us
detoxing and doing toxic mold protocol
research/ support
Mindfulness practice
Staying home, or showering, and washing and airing all my clothes and possessions after I get home
Organic foods, exercise, gardening!
Paleolithic & Raw food diet