Story about Multiple Chemical Sensitivity , Asthma, Diabetes, Essential Tremor, Fibromyalgia.

Sick Building started it all!

Dec 8, 2018

By: bklover62

I worked in a sick building for 15 years. I started becoming sensitive to paints, glues, gasoline, etc... I realized I was getting sicker in the Library where I worked. I requested the air to be tested and there was mold and bacteria through the whole air conditioning system. I went to work somewhere else. The more exposed I became the worse the symptoms got. Now I have to have an air cleaner at work and am every sensitive to fragrance products of all kinds. The only way I can feel better is to remove myself from the products and go outside for fresh air. I live in a very controlled home environment with scent free products. It's difficult but I know there are many out there who are worse off than I am.

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