I keep myself occupied with hobbies, work and family bacause I can keep my decease at bay for longer that way.
and thoes arround there understand me
I accepted it.
Stay away from rollercosters weather it is food, drinks, psycological !!
Mudança de hábitos
Hobbies, to feel a strong motivation (for me; to spend my time making art on a professional level)
Good sleep hygiene is a must.
SNRI Therapy (Fetzima)
Psychotherapy - helps with the accompanying psychological issues in chronic illness
Coffee! I may be intolerant to the medication, but caffeine is a chilled out second best.
My diet and the supplements I take have helped.
Xyrem - I can laugh again because my Cataplexy is under control.
A regular sleep schedule and naps
My faith in God's plan for me
staying as active and mentally stimulated as possible
Gluten-free diet
Recognizing myhysical limitations.
Writing lists and more lists. Critical for me ;-)
Controlling the amount of pain I'm in.
My daughter is very patient with me!!
switched to being a night person as I can't function in the daytime
I have only recently been diagnosed, so I am still a work in progress.
dieta com carboidratos complexos e proteína
Finding a supportive doctor who listens, suggests, but doesn't push medications if I'm not comfortable with them
Supportive friends .family and medical proffesionals
naps after class
One glass of wine before bed to relax and sleep better.
A good support system!
Gid drugs to keep me awake
Willingness to work with your Great Doctor
Connecting with others with the same disease
Nothing else
Water and organic food
Not a damn thing
Took me 40+ years to get diagnosed
an understanding dr
removing chemicals from diet and eating healthier.
Taking small naps during the day, helps me wake up refreshed.
Taking small naps during the day, helps me wake up refreshed.
Exercise daily
Don't fight sleep attacks
Not stay at home whole day
Actually listening to my body and Eating what feels good