Sleeping when I can
Sleeping when I can
my dog FILOU is also bringing me back a little bit of energy
Had to get on a regular schedule
adderall, anti depressant doubled
wonderful and supportive friends
Koffeinhaltige Getränke
eat small, eat early before bed, don't eat when you get up during night, write down whatever you notice with food.
Regular exercise and healthy diet
Good sleep hygiene
Effexor for Cataplexy
Effexor for Cataplexy
mis pacientitos, madres y padres, abuelos y toda la gente que me apoyaba porque necesitan de mi
Pretending my Psychosis is normal
Educated myself of the facts of NC
Dry needling and daily stretching
Making my bed
A longtime Dr. who listens pretty well and has my best interests in mind
Keeping close friends and eliminating toxic ones.
Friends I've made on websites that encourage, pray and support me.
Finding humor in the foundations of life.
Effexor XR
Someone who TRULY believes in "You", by your side!
Eating a healthy diet and taking LOTS of vitamin C
Accept the diseases
I have a routine to get the basics done, plus my dogs, art, reading for relaxation, and I love my work
Taking all my medicine regularly and eating healthy.
Low stress and minimal stimulation helps my brain prepare and rest for later events. Pre plan for your tolerance from previous experience and leave when it is time.
Maintain consistent daily schedule
The anxiety level and blood pressure have both increased...so trying to bring those down to manageable levels
same wake time every day.
Im blessed to be a medicated functioning Narcoleptic and im also finally a educated one too!...never to late in life to stop trying to get past your barriers!...dont give up ..
Habit changes and medication
Knowing your limits and working within them.
Naps and a healthy diet
Planned naps
Supportive family and medical providers
multivitamins and omega-3
Xyrem has taken my severe Cataplexy away completely.
Life sucks (husband, job, area I live in) but I am alive and I love God, and He loves me... everything else is just temporary.
Support from family and friends
Always looking for things besides my medication that can give me a little extra help
Healthy living habits
Limit the amount of Carbs that I eat
Exercising and supporting my body nutritionally.