Story about Narcolepsy .

Recently diagnosed with Narcolepsy in addition to Sleep Apnea

Aug 11, 2016

I've been struggling all my life with sleep issues, but all along I thought it was relatively normal and maybe just my personality. So, I now believe that I have had Narcolepsy since my teenage years. Unfortunately that means that unlike what I have read to be the norm or a diagnosis of 3-10 years. Its taken me 3+ decades to finally have some answers. 

I am more or less a type A personality male. Highly functioning and high achiever type. So, with this condition, I have always just powered through the bouts of sleepiness over the years. 

3 years ago, I started to slow down a bit... We moved to another city with the family and I began to question my health issues were. 

... to be continued

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