Много обезболивающих
Family support.
Cuidar mi alimentación
Medications,especially controlled ones(opioids etc) have allowed some dignity and quality of life.
Mi familia
Very often in helps not to stay at home in bed, but go out to meet friends to avoid concentrating on my terrible feeling and pain.
diet and shade has reaaly become my best friends....sunglasses (photo sensitivity) and long sleeves
Having Mirena inserted
Heating packs
Changing my diet
One day at a time
Meeting and speaking to others with the same condition and helping children newly diagnosed.
Pain meds
Avoiding triggers.
Living and working in a small town on the shady side of the street!
I have a letter from my specialist that tells doctors in A&E (ER) what's happening and how to treat me, this prevents unnecessary tests or doctors doubting what i tell them
Less stress
Go to ER and get D10 before the pain develops.
Organic Manuka honey before bed, during attacks or just when feeling symptomatic.
want to go Gym
Internet sites and friends
Advances in clinical trials - an implant might lead to a normal life !...
Eating healthy
Support system
Finally getting a diagnosis
Wear a Medic Alert bracelet
hope of new drogs
Sleep. Lots of it.
load on carbs day before stress and complex sugars and gatorade when in trouble
getting to know others with Porphyria
no stress
El grupo Conoces algo sobre la Porfiria??? En Facebook
Hacer actividades que me suban el ánimo me ayuda a disminuir el dolor. Por ejemplo nadar
Sleep! Make sure to get enough sleep
Remain positive
Taking time for myself every week to reduce stress (sheet mask spa day oh yessss)
Stay out of the sun.
Watch stress
It took me 14 months to leave the hospital, but determination is key to recovery.
An excellent hematologist that is well educated in porphyria
Small daily doses of zinc sulfate, turmeric, D3, B complex
It could have been worse;)
Staying positive
Following good high carb diet is essential in acute porphyria. Be mindful of fragile skin which bruises and tears easily.
Очень мягкая кровать
One doctor who made observation.
Tener certezas de lo que me ocurre
Learning and pursuing knowledge about this disease is increasing awareness for me and others is giving me purpose!
Asociación Mexicana para la Porfiria