the only symptom I have is 24/7 dots
Styding on courses and university or work
drinking water and avoiding alcohol
I've had no luck with doctors.
Rest or take a break
Listening to my cycle of breath consciously keeps my mind off the tinnitus ringing.
I have always had tinnitus but hear incredibly well. Tinnitus never bothers me
Botox treatments for migraines
Finding support from family and friends definetly helps
Buscar la opinión de un neuro oftalmólogo a pesar que casi ninguno sabe de este tema si no que después q le cuentas los síntomas se ponen a investigar del tema y pueden ayudarte ya q tratan los procesos del ojo y el cerebro
Medicinal cannabis brings great pain relief.
Knowing, that I am not alone. Contact us at https://visualsnow-germany.eu/
Accepting what is.
Visual Snow
Acído Valpróico 500mg
I went from 20/30 in 2015, pre-VS, to 20/800, 15 months later.
Don't worry that other people don't get it. How can they ?
I've learned to cope with my disorder and realize there are people that have much larger issues than I do
Staying focused on other things
Talk about it
Deep breathing relieves me from my panic attacks
Nothing. Check out "My Story" for more info.
Talking about VS with other sufferers.
Exhaustion, stress and lack of sleep make VS more pronounced
Meditation helps lessen the visual noise behind my eyelids when trying to sleep.
I have found no one I know who has this too
I have strong spirits
Getting plenty of sleep helps me
Just living with it since I was born with it
Drinking lots of water to stop migraines
I have had visual snow for as long as I can remember
Sleep helps A LOT
Go out, have fun
exercício físico
Ændring af kost
My boyfriend and family is constantly praying for me!
Dark lense sunglasses
Quitting my job
Drinking plenty of water.
Not focusing on the “static”
mangiare tanta frutta e verdura e mantenere la giusta idratazione in minima parte credo aiuti
Stress management
I blink a lot