LET OTHERS KNOW, especially in classes for any kind of schooling, teachers and professors will more than likely make changes to suite you
Discontinue all drug use
alimentação natural, saudável, orgânica
Reading the bible helps calm me when i have panic attacks/depression from visual snow
Family support
Leaving toxic relationships
Cutting caffeine
Proper sleep
attività fisica regolare credo che in minima parte possa aiutare
Taking breaks from using technology
Tinted glasses for photophobia
Consistently taking thyroxine.
Get enough sleep.
Spread the word, the more who know about it the better.
Ficar no escuro
For visual snow and tinnitus, give yourself time. Your brain will habituate over time and your anxiety over the situation will lower.
I only discovered that VS was a condition others also had recently.
avoiding intense exercise
I like walking, talking with others, playing games, doing stuff with my husband, it keeps the bad feels away.
Good diet
try to ignore your visual snow as much as you can
Healthy living
吃喜欢的食物 美食 ps:就是有点费钱 (笑
it is also very mild and it doesn't impair my vision
do art
trying to avoid stress
You'd never know about my condition (s) because I don't trust anyone enough to talk about it.
Talk with other people
Anxiety makes me perceive the disturbances more, but antidepressants don't help
Access to assistive technology has been life changing
I want to live in peace.
Some sort of normality
Find a hobby and doing something you like to keep your mind occupied
Y saber que esta condición no es un problema de mis ojos sino una mala interpretación de los estímulos visuales del cerebro
Family. Need I say more?
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