Positive attitude most of the time.
A comprehensive team of specialists working together despite being at different hospitals.
knowing my blood panel and fixing the vitamins accordingly has helped immensely.
Nutrition especially organic
Ask for help.
Finding the correct dose of vitamin d has improved my sleep tremendously.
Being able to talk about my condition
SMAS friends group pages and personal contacts. It is very difficult for most to understand what SMAS is or does to every part of your life and how it effects your family.
Drink plenty of fluids (with sodium/salt)
Vitamins and supplements
Finding as much information as I can
Needed Surgeries
Cutting out all pain medication and anti-depressants and avoiding doctors going DIY with research and understanding of the association with Lyme/co-infections and managing symptoms following Holistic doctors on facebook
When I have a migraine I take complete rest, otherwise I keep busy at a very slow tempo with the necessary breaks.
I do light yoga.
Staying positive and active even on the bad days.
Promising advances in research and awareness
NOTHING helps, tried numerous therapies, etc, under HMO physician's care
4 months of valtrex although not sure of benefit from that yet
Eating organic, gluten free, nutritional cleansing/protein shakes etc.
I have gone on a bland diet (gut definitely better).
Allergist prescribed ipratropium bromide nasal spray .06% which cures my multiple sneezes & constant runny nose.
Sleep Aids
Magnesium for pain, Elavil and melatonin for sleep.
Low dose naltrexone
Acceptance of what my life is
pacing- accepting my limits and living within them
Be tested for Sleep Apnea!! It was a major improvement to get on a CPAP machine.
Mums good dietary inputs
Using the HRV Elite app
Herbs, vitamins , massages
diet--low sugar, low heavy starches, high protein
Staying away from big events, large groups and noise.
Living in a beautiful place surrounded by Nature
Good sleep is a must
Having a supportive employer who put together a Support Plan for me
Regular gently yoga
Family unit helping me because I'm housebound
Healthy eating
Support of family.
Allowing myself to pace my activities and not beat myself up over things I can't do. This is an ongoing exercise as I do relapse and push myself to far