Lots of support from family
Reduce Stress and Responsibilities (even family, SO HARD TO DO) . MAJOR CHANGE
Pacing myself
D-Lactate free probiotic plus other supplements
Daughter caring for me
Supportive Friends
Removal of Gluten, Lactose, Sugar, Caffeine from diet
adjusting lifestyle
Avoiding environments that are distressful (fluorescent lights, sun/heat, noise/commotion, disbelieving people)
Natural pain relief baths
Vitamin D pills, or even a five minute wander in the sun.
I don't force myself to do things I know will be hard and I don't hurry/rush myself.
vasopressin, and thyroid supplementation
The Internet has helped me
The drugs I'm on, anti depressants, painkillers
getting plenty of rest
Doing less in all areas of my life.
I went to see a functional and integrative doctor who is working on medicines AND herbal supplements to help my disease!
listening to my body
Strawberry cheescake
Asking for help
My family who cared & supports me so much.
Explaining to close family & friends, basics not overwhelming them too much
My personality - tenacity, compassion, positivity, knowledge seeking, volunteering for a charity
Suppport/ journaling/ meditation
Dietary changes, mainly cutting out flour and other processed carbs/simple sugars, saying goodbye to dairy
admitting to myself that my life had changed, and I had to be responsible for my care
Looking forward not bsck to my old life
Taking small walks, resting when needed, pushing a bit to do things out of the house something to "live" for
Lyrica has been a miracle-drug when I've needed relief from severe nerve pain (burning sensations from head to toe).
Getting involved with the patientorganisation, ME-foreningen, in Denmark, contact with other patients
Avoid stress. Cut people out of your life that bring you down and don't support you. Focus on things you 'can' do that bring you joy.
Support of my family and friends.
Reducing stress as much as possible
My spiritual faith
Thinking possitive
Yoga and meditation
Salt & Water
I try to be out every day.....
Staying warm