Story about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E. , Dysautonomia / POTS.

Me with ME

Nov 23, 2017

By: Lynne

Year Condition Began: 2007

First I would like to say that I do not agree with the finding of the health test results on this page. It came back with results saying that all my problems are mental and not physical. Doesn't that sound like all the crap CFS/ME patients have been dealing with for eons? I'm sick of it and I'm here to tell you it's physical! B.S. questions that are somehow going to magically give insight into our complicated lives. Think what you want Diseasemaps with your bogus test because you don't understand this disease yet your algorithms think they do.

I took a trip to Iceland in 2007, it's there that I ingested food with a Enterovirus in it that was able to make it's home in body because my immune system was compromised (and I wasn't aware of that). It took many doctors and several years before I was successfully diagnosed by an Infectious Disease Specialist named Dr. Chia in Torrance, California. I was treated for a few years with anti-viral medications made for HIV and HEP C and immune building supplements.

During those years I started to do my own research health issues in the US, when the started and what the corresponded with. I found that with the introduction of GMO (genetically modified organism) foods and the pesticides, weed killer, fungicides that they use in conjunction with these GMO foods, to be quite hazardous to our health. I found that the fluoride that is put into our drinking water is toxic. I found that Aluminum in our foods and personal care products was also a neurotoxin. I found that all of the chemicals I'd been exposed to during my life had detrimental effects on me as well as the viruses I'd been exposed to like EBV (Epstein Barr Virus). I found that where I grew up and still live is one of the most polluted places you can think of, Los Angeles. The air used to be so bad when I was younger that my eyes would burn. I grew about at the port where industry and pollution abounded, yet in my mind I was somehow safe because of the ocean breeze that came each day to blow it all inland. When I realized how much I was damaged, and was continuing to damage my body with the things I was putting in it and on it, or being around, I decided to change. I also found out how harmful pharmaceutical drugs are and that changed too.

The change came gradually as I learned more and more. I only consume nonGMO certified organic food - that means no eating take out, only foods that are prepared correctly. I drink only mountain spring water. I take supplements to help heal the damage. As of writing this I have 3 more months of tapering off of the last pharmaceutical drug. I plan on getting well. I can see the changes already but I know I have further to go - that's o.k. because I'm glad I know what happened to me and why I got ME. My greatest hope comes from my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, which also came out of being disabled and chronically ill. It's amazing what you can find even in your darkest moments...a ray of hope. My hope for the CFS/ME community is that each find what made them sick and are able to battle it with some success. I think though for all people to be healthy they need to stop putting into their bodies that which is not whole (modified) foods and stop falling for all of the advertising that makes you buy these deadly products. Yes, deadly products are all over your house killing or harming you little by little in ways you haven't even considered. I urge everyone to learn! Make it your job to find out the truth and then live by it. Man had a relationship to his environment before modern man invented all the things we can't live without now - I say live without them and then you will really be living!
Story about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E.

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