Trying my hardest to stay positive
Staying optimistic and being proactive about my own health
Dr. Duarte Machado in CT, My children and husband
Physical therapy
The background was very demanding and stressful, studying piano many hours every day.
A good quality pen
16 injections around my eyes to greatly reduce my spasms so I can work & drive
Drug regimen
I've always had a positive mental atatued towards life
Reducing stress and switching into a more healthy lifstyle
Everyone I know are great supporters
Finding something that you can do that you LOVE to do!
Oral Pain Medicine
Stomach mussel violently contracts
Много обезболивающих
Descansar bien
Botox each 3 months
Mi psicóloga quien me ayuda con respiración para calmar mis crisis
Botox injections
Realizing not everything has to be done today
mindfulness practise
Not wallowing too often, having positive attitude really does help
Finding the time to rest and not feel guilty about it.
Trying not to do anything under pressure
Watching what I eat
My mother is a role model for me.The amount of sacrifices that she made are beyond the description of words.I really feel very motivated when i think about her.
Keep doing music (find a way to do it)
Movement Disorder Neurologist
Dystonia, TMJ and the Connection FB Support Group with Dr Jeffrey Brown freely giving his advice and guidance to all group supporter who request
working out, healthy eating
taking care of myself especially when I'm having an awful day with cd
I found Neuronauts, the best support group I've come across. It's technically for all neurological disorders and diseases, but as it was Founded by a fellow Dystonia Disorder sufferer
a loving and understanding family
Botox really helps.
Prayer and meditation
Less medication has improved my dystonia
Comfort foods and resting alone
Prayer. Joining an online support group.