Being adamant about how you feel.
Staying active
Being positive
Staying away from all the food that are triggers
Researching how others got better and going gluten-free
Going to bed when it hurts
Be kind
finding websites with others who have the same symptoms helps
Work on lowering stress
going AIP
Going gluten free took literally 40 years off my face and the wrinkles has my self-esteem back
Don't give up
more sleep which is hard
Discovered and currently treating mercury toxicity
REST when you need it ... you REALLY need it.
My Jewish faith & Native Two-Spirit communities are very important to me. My spouse is my biggest supporter. I'm in a Phase II gastroparesis study for a new gastric motility drug right now (November 2015). I sometimes use a walker or wheelchair.
Working out
Sugar and oil free
Getting good sleep
Supportive family
getting back to the gym with support
Eating healthy
Adressing nutrient deficiencies, leaky gut, exercise
using NP Thyroid (similar to Armour)
Removing gluten, dairy, sugar from diet
Not exercising too strenuously
Family support
Educating myself via these books & related Facebook support groups: "Hashimoto's Thyroiditis: Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause", "STOP the Thyroid Madness", "Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms When My Lab Tests Are Normal"
groups on fb for self medication
yoga made a huge difference in my life
Seeing my Psoriasis clearing up.
Grain-free, soya-free, nightshade-free vegan diet
Reduce stress
Taking prebiotics.
8 hours of sleep with melatonin
Paleo Diet, GF cutting sugar.
Staying positive
Watching my lab levels of T3 instead of dosing by TSH levels
taking genetic/DNA tests to discover mutations and/or health risks
Bed rest