Blood donor
2014 Diagnose HH
Avoiding vitamin C
Finally being diagnosed after years of on/off depression, joint pain, tiredness.
Being diagnosed
Drawing blood
Quarterly venesection
18 mths of Venesections
Gave up alcohol Dec 2011 and now also eat a mainly vegetarian diet.
Regular phlebotomy at three month intervals
Compound Heterozygous C282Y/H63D
Weekly phlebotomies with saline
Regular venesection
Retiring in the sunshine in Cyprus
Getting it recognised by Doctors and actually getting diagnosed
regular blood treansfusions - in the beginning weekly !
Join a organisation with other fellow sufferers
Italian doctors who were much more up to date on this condition than British doctors
Plasmoquin has improved my experience with arthritus. Much less pain
Regular venesection
Water water and more water before venesection
Regular blood drain based on the supervised plan from my doctor
Staying fit with excercise
My family's support
My family will healthy forever
Knowing that I am not alone.
Cutting out alcohol
support of local hospital team
Fazer sangrias sistematicamente
My treatment can be a blood donation so I'm saving lives while feeling better
Drink 1,5l water
stop using iron fryingpan
A positive attitude and desire to be as healthy and mobile as possible.
Reduced alcohol
Keeping my weight down
Sleep when tired
walking in nature, listening to the birds singing and just relax
Reduction on Iron intake
las sangrias
Stick to the treatment - venesections
Finally being diagnosed after years of on/off depression, joint pain, tiredness. After pregnancies.
Founded a self-help group (chronical pancreatitis).
Type 4A - Heamochromeatosis