Pacing myself
Don't get stressed out
sortir de maison
Physical Therapy
My doctor knows that no pain control med works on every kind of pain
Pacing and meditation
reduction of acidic foods
My husband who is my rock and who takes care of me when I can't take care of myself.
Cysto Renew
Betmiga 50mg
No fake sugar
Baths for hours!
My family are there for me
My family are there for me
Started following a IC friendly diet
Hypotoxic diet
Has the most amazing family ever who supports me through thick and thin
Having a great support system of online friends.
Surrounding myself with friends and those who care for my well-being.
pelvic floor therapy
Toxine Botulique
Acupuntura e reflexologia
Diet planning. I only drink water and the number of flares I have have dropped
Epsom salt baths
Had different treaments for 3 yrs none of it worked
Seeing a Dietician has taught me valuables ways to eat healthier
No lifting.
Aloe water seemed to calm my bladder
Finding a doctor that understands
I exercise regularly
Stopped eating spicy foods such as Jalapenos.
my family
Benadryl at night.
My fiancé’s encouragement
IC website
Hesting pad and tense unit
Marshmallow root tea, and Mullein tea.
I invested in a bidet seat for my toilet and that is amazing for when I am burning
Medications to aid in my quality of life.
Medical Marijuana
Supplements: Marshmallow Root, D-Mannose, Omega 3, Vitamin D, VSL#3
Reducing stress