elemination diet
My granddaughter
Seguir mi tratamiento médico y cambiar algunos hábitos
Cleaning up my diet
And the greatest trigger is stress so get as less stress ass you can.
Getting out of a dead end marriage.
Bladder ease
Recevoir un traitement
IC Diet
Not drinking coffee
Heating pad , nightly.
Access to appropriate treatments
Giving up cokes, even though I love them.
Medical Marajuana
Eating as well as I can financially afford- quality over quantity- helps
Medical cannabis
support groups
Drugs which have brought me pain relief.
Marshmallow root and Aloe supplements
Heat packs
Rescue instills when flaring
The IC diet 100%
Taking my meds and doing home instills
Still looking for help
Still looking for help
bladder retraining and knowing things that trigger flares
Pain Counselor
My mental
Being able to talk about my condition
Learning as much as possible about my illnesses so I can advocate for myself.
Finding the right doctor for me.
Avoiding trigger foods
No estresarme
giving birth to my kids :-)
Hypotoxic diet
Atividades físicas
Dieta controlada
A nice hot bath will really help with a flare. As silly as it sounds sitting on a hot water bottle helps a lot!
Hot water bottle
I had an operation for a stoma 2 yrs ago
Having a sleep study and counseling from my sleep doctor, to help me get better sleep
IC diet
Having lazy days.
I am off all medications
applying heat