At least 6 grams per day of sodium helps a lot, and since I hang onto water better, I can reduce my liquid intake to around 6 liters.
Appropriate Medication
Continue to find joy in living.
Family support
Supplements (I take the natural route)
Getting lots of sleep
Inform your friends, collegues and family about your condition.
Connecting with others concerning Sjogrens
Being positive
Mycophenolate to manage condition
labs every 6 weeks to 3 months to adjust my meds as needed
A healthy diet
Putting in an outside French drain to keep basement dry.
Psychoanalysis and meditation
My doctor knows that no pain control med works on every kind of pain
Doing things that I love such as dancing, eat out with friends
Restorative yoga.
I have a lot of help from my son. He is my rock
ACT (a form of therapy)
getting some excercise
Less carbohydrates, especially from sugar.
Online support groups - seeing my own condition in others, learning from them and knowing I'm not alone.
High carb low fat diet has made the last six months totally uplifting and jumpstarted my life.
WW has helped in my diet.
Staying away from gluten, msg, chips
Regular Massage
Taking extra vitamin D along with regular vitamins
Eye drops, lots of eye drops
Keep moving, exercise, whatever I can do
Less stress
Drinking plenty of water.
Family and friends support / Apoyo de la familia y amigos
Rituximab gave me back my energy!
Listening to my body and 'trying' to rest appropriately, rather then pushing through and wearing myself to complete exhaustion.
Restasis for my eyes have helped, but I still suffer with photophobia and easily irritated eyes
Omega 3, 6, 7, 9 intake
Cutting out sugar helps so much as well as trying to eat clean, unprocessed foods
Knowing it's not all in my head
No stress
Resting when I need to
Joining facebook pages to share stories and solutions
Always drinking water.
Less stress is beneficial
Soporte grupo ayuda pacientes.