My treatment
MMJ if it were legal in Louisiana
supplements that have helped me
Giving up Wheat & Dairy
Exercise keeps my mind off the pain
Supportive family
Realizing not everything has to be done today
Accepting my limitations.
The ability to still stay busy with my work and the ability to change jobs to make it easier for me in my daily life.
Sugar intake
Eating well, leaving sugar out of my diet.
Allowing myself to be stop fighting it
Starting methotrexate
Drinking more water
Humidifier at night, naps when tired, support group
Turmeric, T4
Kangen 9.0ph drinking water everyday
see Dr. tomorrow to talk meds...
No sugar diet
using corn therapy bags on my legs they always hurt and trying to exercise
Chew gum continuously
Good doctors
learning how to listen to my own body
Good doctors
Cevimeline for my dry mouth
Support groups online. Just knowing others who completely understand!
No longer work, less stress
Went gluten free. Rebelled against this, but once I realized how good I felt, I stuck with it.
Staying positive
Having prior understanding of medical background experience has been so very helpful.
Friend's who understand and help me around my Coeliac Disease
and my family
science is your friend: beware of all the woo!
Probiotics, multivitamin, coq10, fish oil, vitamin D, vit Bcomplex, ace inhibitors
my strong mind and awareness for healthy food and conscious living, along with my Faith
alimentación saludable física y mental
Resting frequently; knowing when to stay home
Learning as much about my condition as possible was empowering, and key to addressing the depression that comes with diagnosis of a serious incurable disease. As the saying goes, "I have lupus; it doesn't have me."
asking for help
Gabapentin. Keeps bp and HR from bouncing so fast and to such extremes,
Appropriate Diagnosis
Allow myself to rest.
Plenty of sleep
Stress management and getting rest, knowing my limit and not over doing it