The Diva Cup. Took away the cramps i suffered with PMS
Fight for the help you deserve never give up!
Finding a gynaecologist who is working with me
Space and time to have alone time when everything feels crazy around me.
Allowing myself time for me and not having stressful events scheduled during that time of my cycle that makes everything so much more difficult to do
Try medication if need be. Not for everyone and may need to try a few to see what helps best
Dr. Lolas Treatment
Spending time outside
Reducing stress
Good night sleep
Eating clean and taking 5HTP or Tryptophan and Chasteberry keeps me on an even keel most days.
More fruits and veggies, less sugar!
Diet and exercise
Knowing it will pass and I'm not crazy
LCHF diet
dont drink too much
Excision Surgery & Hyterectomy
Vit B supplements
Bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy
Low carb diet
Low carb diet. It seems that sugar and carbs increase many of the physical and mental symptoms.
Enough sleep and meditation
Still a work in progress... psychotropic medication can help alleviate symptoms
Progesterone 10mg
Tracking my cycles and symptoms
Testim gel
People understanding
Tracking calendar apps on most devices are so helpful in knowing what your cycle of symptoms is, if any, and doctors will find this helpful as well as yourself.
VP Shunt since 2012
Anti-depressant medication (bupropion)
Joining an online support group
Supplements (Fish oil, calcium, fiber, B12, Vitamin C, Multivitamin)
Loosing weight and exercising
Starflower Oil
Antidepressants to help manage the worst symptoms
Increasing my awareness
Talking to people about it
Walking away from triggers
Personal development every day
Finally finding a specialist that will help me